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Construction work update

We are expanding our bedrooms and restaurant to better match the scale of our conference spaces.

First, we are building a new bedroom block to add another 64 bedrooms, to give us a total of 136 bedrooms. Second, we are extending the main restaurant attached to the Hall to the end of the existing Hall building.  These projects are neither simple nor quiet, but we hope you can see the advantages they will bring once they are complete.


July 2012 Building work has started on the residential block. Work is taking place 08.00–1800, Monday to Friday, within the building compound. During this six-month phase, up to four HGVs will pass by the reception area and the Hall every hour.
October 2012 Building work starts on the restaurant area. Work will take place 08.00–18.00, Monday to Friday, within the building compound; however, the compound will be located directly between the Conference Centre car park and Hinxton Hall.
November 2013 Completion and opening of above areas.

Other exciting plans for November 2013 onwards
After work on building our new block, we will be taking the opportunity to upgrade the existing Residential Court bedrooms and bathrooms. We also plan to extend our services: we will be operating a new 24-hour reception service to allow guests to check in or out at any time, and we will be offering an increased bar menu.

Project updates


Manager's update

Date: Friday 24 August 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

The crane is here! Fortunately, the trees still conceal most of the works going on from the Hall; however, guests in the Residential Court are getting an eyeful of all the activity:

Crane 1 Crane 2


Date: Friday 17 August
By: Rachel Cordier

Another week, and some big holes have been dug. We're expecting a total of 300 lorry loads of soil to be removed in the next few weeks, so this is just the start. Next week - a big crane!

Development picture Development picture Development picture


Date: Friday 10 August
By: Rachel Cordier

So exciting to see news of our groundbreaking ceremony out in the public eye:


Date: Monday 6 August 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

A lot changes in two weeks! Work is well and truly underway now, and our groundbreaking ceremony took place last week - there are some photos on the newsletter, which is being distributed every fortnight with updates of what's going on.


Date: Monday 23 July 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

Well, is finally here! The contractors have been appointed (RG Carter of Cambridge), there's been a temporary car park created (see photos) right opposite the Hall, and fortunately the rain seems to have abated so that cars won't be sinking into the mud its a glorious day here at Hinxton Hall. The RG Carter team we've met so far have been brilliant, so we're looking forward to working with them over the coming year.


Date: Tuesday 26 June 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

Well, the builders haven't started on site yet, BUT they are working hard in the background to sort out the last details before they are here and will be holding a kick-off meeting on 12 July followed by some actual action!


Date: Friday 4 May 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

First, apologies for not updating for a while - it's basically because nothing much has been happening. We've finalised Stage D design and been looking at bedroom interiors for the Residential Court areas, but nothing exciting!

Today has been the interview day for construction companies, so we got to meet their potential site managers and representatives.  The good news is - they all seem capable and enthusiastic! We've got some more selection work to do, but there should be someone appointed in the next 2-3 weeks.

Elsewhere, the excessive rain fall has been a bit of a disaster for our paths - sunken trenches underneath that are completely waterlogged have turned the path to the car park into a roller coaster. Fortunately, our brilliant FM team have got on board quickly and are out filling and levelling this afternoon.


Date: Thursday 23 February 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

We've found some interesting stuff and a collapsed pipe by the restaurant, so works have extended to take over the path to reception to rebuild the pipe. Nigel and I are on constant 'health and safety patrol' to keep on top of the contractors. However, only one trailing power cable found this morning - not bad!


Date: Friday 17 February 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

Work is still ongoing to move data, water, electric and gas cables around the area of the new buildings.

We've had a bit of a challenge in the car park area near the Residential Court, so we've had to re-divert an access path there, but everything is still on track for completion at the end of the month.


Date: Tuesday 7 February 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

Digging has started! The archaeologists have dug down to have a look (see pictures), and once they've given the all clear works will start to divert water, gas and data lines out of the way of the foundations of the new buildings. This is set for completion by 3 March and will all be tidy again for spring.

Digging work begins        Archaeologist at work


Date: Thursday 2 February 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

I had a catch up today with our FM team and looked at plans of where the archaeological dig next week will take place. I also examined where all the underground services will be moved to – plans are going on display in the reception, if you're interested. I would be quite intrigued to see what the buried items could tell us about the history of Hinxton Hall and the original estate; however, don't want any discoveries to hold up the project in any way! There's a lot of data and 'stuff' buried under the lawns.


Date: Wednesday 25 January 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

First meeting today to discuss the restaurant interiors and finishes for the project starting in October – looking forward to seeing the ideas!


Date: Tuesday 3 January 2012
By: Rachel Cordier

A very exciting year is on its way for the team at Hinxton Hall.

Development plans

As some already know, we are planning to expand the conference centre to add a further 64 bedrooms in a new block between the original Residential Court and North Lodge. Work for this will start from 24 June 2012, although there will be some earlier works digging trenches and moving power lines and water pipes.

I will keep this area of the website updated as the project progresses, so please check back to hear more about our development activities.


